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Come eliminare le vampate in Menopausa
Soluzione al Naturale al 100%
Le vampate di calore rappresentano uno dei sintomi più caratteristici e ricorrenti della menopausa; di conseguenza, si manifestano principalmente nella maggior parte delle donne (oltre l’80%) che hanno superato il proprio periodo fertile.
Note anche come “caldane”, sono dovute ad un’alterazione dei normali livelli di estrogeni e progesterone; questa condizione causa l’aumento della produzione di alcuni ormoni che provocano uno squilibrio nei meccanismi di termoregolazione dell’organismo.
Alleviare le vampate in menopausa con ingredienti naturali
Durante la menopausa, molte donne sperimentano sintomi fastidiosi come le vampate di calore, che possono diventare un ostacolo per il benessere quotidiano. Se anche tu stai cercando un supporto naturale ed efficace, l’integratore per le vampate da menopausa è una soluzione pensata proprio per far fronte a questa problematica. Grazie a una formulazione studiata con ingredienti 100% Naturali, aiuta a riequilibrare l’organismo e a ridurre i sintomi senza ricorrere a terapie ormonali.
Gli ingredienti principali – isoflavoni di soia titolati, cimicifuga e moringa – sono accuratamente selezionati per agire in sinergia, offrendo un effetto completo e duraturo nel tempo. Ecco come ciascuno di questi elementi può fare la differenza
RED MORINGA - Food supplement to combat hot flashes of menopause
Do you suffer from Hot flashes from Menopause? Do you sometimes start sweating for no reason while in public and feel embarrassing?
For this reason we have studied, tested and produced in Italy the supplement against Menopause hot flashes, completely natural, with an exclusive formula, which helps you actively control hot flashes. 💚
🌿 The Supplement to combat hot flashes typical of Menopause RedMoringa is based on Titrated Soy Isoflavones, Cimicifuga and Moringa. The supplement is natural and useful for countering hot flashes, enriched with Vitamin D and Calcium to help you prevent osteoporosis. Are you looking for natural remedies for hot flashes? Did you find it.
Are you looking for natural remedies for hot flashes? You found it.
Notified to the Ministry of Health
Tasteless capsules. Try it now! 60 Vegetable capsules, enough for 1 month.
FOOD SUPPLEMENT FOR HOT FLASHES, WHO IS IT SUITABLE FOR?This supplement is ideal for menopausal women who are experiencing symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. It may be suitable for you if you: are going through the early or late stages of menopause, experience frequent hot flashes, have sudden mood swings and want to prevent bone loss. 👉🏻 BENEFITS OF ENTERING THE MENOPAUSE: ✔️ Reducing hot flashes ✔️ Reduction of sudden sweating ✔️ Balancing the mood ✔️ Stronger and healthier bones Do you also have trouble falling asleep? You can combine it with our sleep supplement! |
WHY IS THIS MENOPAUSE SUPPLEMENT DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHERS?This dietary supplement is the result of extensive research by the RedMoringa laboratories and targeted development work to meet the specific needs of menopausal women. 🥇 UNIQUE FORMULA IN ITALY - This exclusive formula combines soy isoflavones, standardized Cimicifuga extract, organic moringa, dried sage extract and a blend of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin D3 and calcium. These 100% natural ingredients work synergistically to manage menopause symptoms, balance mood and promote bone health. The unique addition of organic Moringa gives the formula a nutrient-rich profile with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. ✔️ Soy isoflavones and Cimicifuga extract help manage hot flashes. ✔️ Organic Moringa and dried sage extract support hormonal balance and mood. ✔️ Vitamin D3 and calcium are essential for bone health and help prevent osteoporosis. Packed in herbal capsules, they provide a powerful combination of nutrients to manage the inconveniences of menopause and prevent osteoporosis. In fact, numerous studies have shown that taking Cimicifuga can lead to a reduction in hot flashes, sweats, dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. If you want to learn more about the properties of Cimicifuga, you can find the original studies on our blog. |
✔️ VITAMINS B6, B12, FOLIC ACID - These vitamins support the normal functioning of the nervous system and help reduce tiredness and fatigue that often occur during menopause. In addition, vitamin B6 regulates hormonal activity.
✔️ VITAMIN D3 AND CALCIUM - Vitamin D3 promotes the absorption of calcium, which is essential for bone health. This supplement can therefore help prevent osteoporosis, a condition that can begin with the onset of menopause.
💖 THE POWER OF ORGANIC MORINGA - Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this plant adds an extra layer of nutritional support to our supplement, making it a powerful ally for your health during menopause.
One of the best ingredients for relieving menopause symptoms is undoubtedly Cimicifuga. In our dietary supplement you will find a standardized dry extract to ensure that it is effective and the absorption of the active ingredients is continuous.
The phytoestrogens of this plant are extremely useful in treating menopause syndrome and premenstrual syndrome.
Wer wir sind
Wir bauen Moringa in Spanien mit EU-Bio-Zertifizierung an und verarbeiten es in Italien, um Ihnen die beste Qualität und eine rückverfolgbare Lieferkette zu garantieren.
Jedes unserer Nahrungsergänzungsmittel wurde in erster Linie entwickelt, um bei einem bestimmten Problem zu helfen. Dies ist ein zeitaufwändiger Prozess, der umfangreiche Studien erfordert.
Deshalb finden Sie in unserem Shop nur wenige Produkte, die mit hochwertigen, standardisierten Trockenextrakten und viel Liebe hergestellt werden.
"Wir möchten eine der erstaunlichsten Pflanzen der Natur in ihrer alten Pracht wiederherstellen: die Moringa Oleifera."
Alberto & Luca RedMoringa Gründer
Noch Fragen? Wir haben die Antworten.
Cimicifuga - what is it used for?
What supplements to take during menopause?
How to eliminate hot flashes during menopause?
What are soy isoflavones?
How to take the Menopause Supplement?
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